Saturday, April 1, 2006

Caddyshack: The Adjective

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but things have been pretty crazy around here lately! Rest assured that we'll be back to our regular posting schedule very soon.

In the meantime, here's an idea I had while I was looking over the 93 comments on my post about Wonder Woman wearing a thong. What if from now on, instead of saying something was "cool," we started using the word "Caddyshack" as a universally positive adjective? Ha ha! Wouldn't that be radical? Or should I say... Wouldn't that be Caddyshack?!?!

Rumor has it that back in the day, Brian Doyle Murray and Chevy Chase discussed this same thing happening, and that on a dark night out on the golf course, Chevy sacrificed chances of having an enduring career and a good reputation to make this very thing happen. And now I'm bringing it to you!

I know! Sometimes I can't believe how clever and hilarious I am either. But in order for this idea to bring me the mountains of fame that I totally deserve, you guys are going to have to do all the work! Why not start by using it in casual conversation with your friends or in post comments? Then you can email these images to your friends or use them in your sig files on message boards! Isn't that a totally Caddyshack idea you guys?! It's simple visual comedy using found art that EVERYONE can enjoy! Ha ha ha!

Check it out! You can use it to express your opinion about baked goods...

Or your bowling team...

Or even your favorite movie!

Ha ha! Isn't that great? You can use it almost everywhere! Just don't use it in reference to Caddyshack 2 because oddly enough, that's not Caddyshack at all.


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